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Statement by the British Government made after the findings of the Peel Commission, advocating a partition in Palestine, were published. The limitations on Jewish immigration and land purchases articulated in this document as an interim measure while a partition plan is worked out were a foreboding sign of the more permanent policy limiting the growth of the Jewish National Home that the British Government was to decree in the 1939 White Paper.
“In the light of experience and of the arguments adduced by the [Peel] Commission they are driven to the conclusion that there is an irreconcilable conflict between the aspirations of the Arabs and Jews in Palestine, that these aspirations cannot be satisfied under the terms of the present Mandate, and that a scheme of partition on the general lines recommended by the Commission represents the best and most hopeful solution of the deadlock.” p. 2
“His Majesty’s Government, therefore, propose to take such steps as are necessary and appropriate…to obtain freedom to give effect to a scheme of partition, to which they earnestly hope that it may be possible to secure an effective measure of consent on the part of the communities concerned.” p. 2
“In the immediate future, while the form of a scheme of partition is being worked out, His Majesty’s Government propose that, as an interim measure, steps should be taken to prohibit any land transactions which might prejudice such a scheme. Further…they propose that a total Jewish immigration in all categories of 8,000 persons shall be permitted for the eight months’ period August 1937 to March 1938, provided that the economic absorptive capacity of the country is not exceeded.” p. 3