Gamal Abdel NasserMay 8, 1954

“Israel is an artificial state which must disappear.”

March 3, 1955

“We were not defeated in Palestine in 1948, for the Egyptian army did not fight in 1948.” (I.L., II/667).

Source- Y. Harkabi, Arab Attitudes To Israel, Trans. By Misha Louvish, New York- Hart Pub. Co., 1972, p. 374.

October 14, 1955

“There is no sense in talking about peace with Israel. There isn’t even the smallest place for negotiations between the Arabs and Israel.”

Following his nationalization of the Suez Canal on July 26, 1956, Gamal Abdul Nasser, Egypt’s president, delivers ever more vehement speeches against Israel, threatening its annihilation.
Source- Gilbert, Martin. Israel- A History, New York; William Morrow, 1998, p. 312.


Nasser has sometimes declared that the main initiative in the establishment of Israel came from the imperialists, and not from the Jews. It was imperialism which tried to make a nationality out of the Jews, who only constituted a religion.

In his introduction to The Arab Dawn, he wrote-

“When imperialism felt that its end was near, it tried to perpetuate its hold…Then it presented a racialist idea which transformed religion into race and Judaism into Zionism, and Israel was established as an imperialist bridgehead against the Arab States.” (Karanjia, 1958)

Source- Arab Attitudes To Israel

March 20, 1958

“It was England and France that attacked this region under the name of the Crusades, and the Crusades were nothing else but British-French imperialism…it was no accident at all that General Allenby, commander of the British forces, said on arriving in Jerusalem- ‘Today the wars of the Crusaders are completed.’ Nor is it in any way an accident that when General Gouraud arrived in Damascus, he visited the tomb of Saladin and said- ‘Behold we have returned, Saladin.’” (on his return from a tour of Syria)

Source- Arab Attitudes Toward Israel, p. 147.

31 March 1961, President Nasser of Egypt in a letter to King Hussein of Jordan

“I have no doubt that Your Majesty will be pleased to know that the UAR Army has been reinforced in a manner that gratifies every Arab. If Your Majesty will recall that the UAR Defence budget now comes to a figure of 120m. Egyptian pounds, the magnitude of the sacrifice the people is making will reveal itself in all its great dimensions before Your eyes, as will its uncompromising decision to accept responsibility against the common enemy of the entire Arab nation – namely, Israel.”

Source- Record of Aggression- the Arab Design For Israel’s Annihilation, Israel Information Services, New York- 1967.

1 September 1960, President Nasser of Egypt

“If the refugees return to Israel, Israel will cease to exist.”

Source- Record of Aggression- the Arab Design For Israel’s Annihilation, Israel Information Services, New York- 1967.

13 October 1960, Radio Cairo

“Referring to Palestine in his address to the UN General Assembly, Nasser outlines two levels in the campaign. The first is the field of the armed armistice, which the Arabs will, in their own good time, turn into a battle-field – a battle of vengeance and blood, the battle of Palestine…

“We do not deny that we want war. We want war; this is our right. The return of Palestine is impossible without war.”

Source- Record of Aggression- the Arab Design for Israel’s Annihilation, Israel Information Services, New York- 1967.

November 11, 1960

The European armies united in Syria and Palestine under the name of the Crusades for the purpose of liquidating (qada’ ‘ala) Arab nationalism. These armies conquered Palestine and Jerusalem and established fortresses in Syria, and thought that they had thus liquidated our nationalism and established a permanent base for imperialism. But what was the result?”

Source- Arab Attitudes Toward Israel

August 17, 1961

“The Arab people…will never allow Israel and those supporting Israel to realize their objectives in keeping Israel in existence in Palestine.”

Source- Harkabi, Y. Arab Attitudes To Israel, Trans. By Misha Louvish, New York- Hart Pub. Co., 1972. p. 4.

17 August 1961, President Nasser of Egypt

“We will act to realize Arab solidarity and the closing of the ranks that will eventually put an end to Israel…We will liquidate her…”

Source- Record of Aggression- the Arab Design For Israel’s Annihilation, Israel Information Services, New York- 1967.

September 27, 1961

In his speech at the UN Assembly…, Nasser described the wrong that had been done in the Middle East by the establishment of Israel and added-

“The only solution to Palestine…is that matters should return to the condition prevailing before the error was committed – i.e. the annulment of Israel’s existence.”

Source- Harkabi, Y. Arab Attitudes To Israel, Trans. By Misha Louvish, New York- Hart Pub. Co., 1972, p. 4.


Imperialism is the historic enemy of the Arabs and Arab nationalism. In the light of the present day, Nasser regards the historic aim of imperialism as “the liquidation of Arab nationalism”-

“Part of the Arab territory in Palestine was handed to an aggressive racial movement (haraka ‘unsuriyya ‘udwaniyya) with neither historical nor natural justification, to be used by the imperialists as a whip in their hands to fight the struggling Arabs if one day they were able to overcome their humiliation and survive the crisis. The imperialists intended this territory to be a barrier dividing the Arab East from the Arab West, and a constant drain of energy of the Arab Nation diverting it from the positive construction. All this was carried out in a provocative manner disregarding the existence of the Arab Nation and its dignity.”

In the tenth chapter of the Charter the same idea is repeated in other words-

“…Israel is the base of imperialism, which was brought into existence by means of plots with the object of intimidating the Arab Nation and tearing it apart.”

Source- Arab Attitudes To Israel

18 May 1962, President Nasser of Egypt

“I do not know of such things as semi-military operations. There may be war, but not semi-war…When the time comes for us to fight a war, it will be a comprehensive war…When I start a war, I want to take it to the only end I accept – which is decisive victory.”

21 May 1962, President Nasser of Egypt

“Insistence of our people on liquidating the Israeli aggression on a part of the Palestine land is a determination to liquidate one of the most dangerous pockets of imperialist resistance against the struggle of the peoples.”

Source- Record of Aggression- the Arab Design for Israel’s Annihilation, Israel Information Services, New York- 1967.

23 December 1962, President Nasser of Egypt

“We feel that the soil of Palestine is the soil of Egypt, and of the whole Arab world. Why do we all mobilize? Because we feel that the land of Palestine is part of our land, and we are ready to sacrifice ourselves for it.”

Source- Record of Aggression- the Arab Design for Israel’s Annihilation, Israel Information Services, New York- 1967, p. 8.

2 April 1963, President Nasser of Egypt

“Israel emerged because the Arab world was weak and divided into small states devoid of character, but unity will mean triumph and the liquidation of Israel. Israel was alarmed in 1956 at the sight of the United Arab Military Command…If the United Command worried her, how will things look if unity is achieved…Israel is now indulging in hysterical activities out of fear of (Arab) unity, and if she is using the Egyptian rockets affair as a pretext, this means that the rockets are doubling her adversity.”

“The airplane construction project in Egypt is causing Israel great anxiety and is terrorizing her. We have started the construction of planes whose speed is twice the speed of sound. Scientific research in Egypt is also arousing great fear, and scientific development is causing sleeplessness in Israel.

Source- Record of Aggression- the Arab Design for Israel’s Annihilation, Israel Information Services, New York- 1967, p. 11-12.

October 10, 1963

“We shall not enter Palestine with its soil covered in sand. We shall enter it with its soil saturated in blood.” (March 8, 1965)

In describing the war that will bring about Israel’s liquidation, it is repeatedly emphasize that this will be total war to the death, as stated in the order of the day issued by the Commander of the Egyptian Third Division on February 15, 1956-

“Every commander is to prepare himself and his subordinates for the inevitable campaign with Israel in which we are fully immersed, for the purpose of fulfilling our exalted aim, namely, the annihilation of Israel and her extermination in the shortest possible time, in the most brutal and cruel battles.” (A copy of this order was attached to Prime Minister Ben-Gurion’s letter of November 14, 1956 to Bulganin – see Israel Government Year Book, 1959/60, p. 36)

“Why do you want to throw the Jews into the sea?”


“Colonization and Zionism combined to dispossess the inhabitants and establish a State founded on religion. How is it possible to accept the status quo when the Arabs were expelled, their property plundered and their women and children murdered?…Peace must be based on justice. The problem will not come to an end until justice is done. The Arabs fought the Crusaders, the Arabs have lived in the region for thousands of years…” (Egyptian Gazette, October 10, 1963)

Source- Harkabi, Y. Arab Attitudes To Israel, Trans. By Misha Louvish, New York- Hart Pub. Co., 1972, p. 35.

22 February 1964, President Nasser of Egypt

“The possibilities of the future will be war with Israel. It is we who will dictate the time; it is we who will dictate the place.

Source- Record of Aggression- the Arab Design for Israel’s Annihilation, Israel Information Services, New York- 1967, p. 12.

April 23, 1964

“We swear to God that we shall not rest until we restore Arab nationalism to Palestine and Palestine to the Arab nation. There is no room for imperialism and there is no room for Britain in our country, just as there is no room for Israel within the Arab nation.” (Speech at San’a)

Harkabi, Y. Arab Attitudes To Israel, Trans. By Misha Louvish, New York- Hart Pub. Co., 1972, p. 4.

January 16, 1965

Imperialism and its helpers…used to say here in Egypt- What have you to do with the Arabs? And in the other countries they used to say- What have you to do with the Egyptians?

Source- Arab Attitudes to Israel

March 8, 1965

“We shall not enter Palestine with its soil covered in sand. We shall enter it with its soil saturated in blood.”

A few months later, Nasser expressed the Arabs’ goal to be-

“…the full restoration of the rights of the Palestinian people. In other words, we aim at the destruction of the State of Israel. The immediate aim- perfection of Arab military might.  %The national aim- the eradication of Israel.”


25 May 1965, Joint Declaration of President Nasser of Egypt and President Aref of Iraq

“The political leadership emphasizes its commitment to the decision of the Summit Conference regarding the plan of collective Arab action for the liberation of Palestine. In accordance with that plan the Arab national aim is the elimination of Israel.”

Source- Record of Aggression- the Arab Design for Israel’s Annihilation, Israel Information Services, New York- 1967, p. 6.

16 September 1965

“The war with Israel is an inevitable thing. This war could break out in another five or ten years. The Arabs waited seventy-five years until they succeeded in chasing out the Crusaders…”

Source- Record of Aggression- the Arab Design for Israel’s Annihilation, Israel Information Services, New York- 1967, p. 13.

May 23, 1967

In 1956, the United Stats gave Israel assurances that it recognized the Jewish State’s right of access to the Straits of Tiran. In 1957, at the UN, 17 maritime powers declared that Israel had a right to transit the Strait. Moreover, any blockade violated the Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, which was adopted by the UN Conference on the Law of the Sea on April 27, 1958. Nonetheless, on the night of May 22-23, 1967 Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli shipping and all ships bound for Eilat. This blockade cut off Israel’s only supply route with Asia and stopped the flow of oil from its main supplier, Iran.

Nasser was fully aware of the pressure he was exerting to force Israel’s hand. The day after the blockade was set up, he said defiantly-

“The Jews threaten to make war. I reply- Welcome! We are ready for war.”

Source- What led to the Six Day War in 1967?