Returning and Redemption
Full information on books, newspapers and periodicals referred to in the text is given below. The list omits all references to separate articles since authors and titles of these sources appear in full in the text of footnotes.
Al Witry, Hashim, Dr., Health Service in Iraq (Jerusalem, 1944).
Armenian National Committee, A Memorandum Relating to the Armenian Question (New York, 1945).
Ben-Gurion, David, Test of Fulfillment (New York, 1943).
Ben-Horin, Eliahu, The Middle East- Crossroads of History (New York, 1943).
Bonne, Alfred, The Economic Development of the Middle East (Jerusalem, 1943).
Buchanan, George, Sir, The Tragedy of Mesopotamia (Edinburgh and London, 1938).
The Case of the Armenian People, Memorandum to the United Nations Conference on International Organization in San Francisco (New York, 1945).
Ghand, Gyan, India’s Teeming Millions (London, 1939).
Correspondence Regarding Postwar Irrigation Policy in Mesopotamia (Baghdad, 1919).
Culbertson, Elie, The World Federation Plan (New York, 1943).
De Chair, Somerset, The Golden Carpet (New York, 1945).
Demographic Studies of Selected Areas of Rapid Growth (New York, 1944).
Evidence Submitted to the Palestine Royal Commission by V. Jabotinsky, House of Lords, February 11, 1937 (London, 1937).
Gauba, L. K., The Consequences of Pakistan (Lahore, 1946).
Ghalib, Ali, Dr., Malaria and Malaria in Iraq (Jerusalem, 1944).
Ghosh, Dwackanath, Pressure of Population and Economic Efficiency in India (New Delhi, 1946).
Groba, Fritz, Dr., Irak (Berlin, 1941).
Gunther, John, Inside Asia (New York and London, 1942).
[143] Haas, William S., Iran (New York, 1946).
Haurani, A., Minorities in the Arab World (London-New York-Toronto, 1947).
Jawad, Hashim, The Social Structure of Iraq (Jerusalem, 1945).
Krishna, K. B., The Problem of Minorities or Communal Representation in India, (London, 1939).
The Labor Party, The International Postwar Settlement, Report by the National Executive Committee of the Labor Party to be presented to the Annual Conference in London from May 29 to June 2, 1944 (London, 1944).
Lowdermilk, Walter Clay, Dr., Palestine, Land of Promise (New York, 1943).
Malek, Yusuf, The British Betrayal of the Assyrians (Chicago, 1930).
Middle East Supply Center, The Proceedings of the Conference on Middle East Agricultural Development (Cairo, 1944).
Millions on the Move, published by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India (Delhi, 1948).
Nathan, Robert R., Gass, Oscar, and Creamer, Daniel, Palestine- Problem and Promise (Washington, D.C., 1946).
Pakistan and Muslim India (Bombay, 1943).
Palestine Royal Commission, Minutes of Evidence (London, 1937).
Palestine Royal Commission, Report Presented by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to Parliament (London, 1937).
The Palestine Year Book, ed. Sophie Udin, Vol. I (Washington, D.C., 1945).
Pallian, G. H., Landmarks in Armenian History (New York, 1942).
Parliamentary Debates (Hansard). House of Lords, Official Report. London.
Permanent Mandates Commission, Minutes of the First-Thirty-fifth Session (Geneva, 1921-1938).
Royal Government of Iraq, Correspondence Relating to Assyrian Settlement from 13 July to 5 August, 1933, Part I. (Baghdad, 1933).
Scheme for the Settlement of Armenian Refugees, League of Nations, Doc.G.669, M.264 (Geneva, 1927).
The Settlement of the Assyrians, League of Nations Questions (Geneva 1935).
Sidebotham, Herbert, Great Britain in Palestine (London, 1937).
Simpson, Sir John Hope, Refugees (New York, 1939).
Simpson, Sir John Hope, The Refugee Problem (London, 1939).
[144] Simpson, Sir John Hope, Report on Immigration, Land Settlement and Development (Cmd 3686), London, 1930).
Stafford, A. S., Lt. Col., The Tragedy of the Assyrians (London, 1935).
Sulkewich, S., Territoria i Naselenie U.S.S.R. (Moscow, 1940).
Toynbee, Arnold Y. Survey of International Affairs (London, 1925).
Vol. I. Viton, Albert, An American Empire in Asia? (New York, 1943).
Volkov, E. Z., Dinamika Narodonaseleniya S.S.R. za 80 let (Moscow, 1930).
Vratzian, Simon, Armenia and the Armenian Question (Boston, 1943).
Willcocks, Sir W., The Irrigation of Mesopotamia (London, 1911).
Wilde De, James C., The Shadow of the Sword (New York, 1946).
Zangwill, Israel, The Voice of Jerusalem (New York, 1921).
Ziff, William B., The Gentlemen Talk of Peace (New York, 1944).
Ad-Difa (Jaffa, Daily).
Ankara (Ankara, French Weekly).
Armenian Bulletin (New York Monthly).
The Asiatic Review (London Quarterly).
Baikar (Boston, Armenian Daily).
Congress Weekly (New York).
Continental Daily Mail (Paris).
Dawn (Karachi Daily).
The Economist (London Weekly),
Falastin (Jaffa Weekly).
Foreign Affairs (New York Quarterly).
Geographical Journal (London Monthly)
The Geographical Review (New York Quarterly).
Hairenik (Boston Armenian Daily).
Hamashkif (Tel Aviv Daily).
Indian Information (New Delhi Bi-weekly).
[145] Izvestia (Moscow Daily).
Jewish Agency Digest of Press and Events (Jerusalem Weekly).
Jewish Standard (London Weekly).
Land and Life (New York Monthly).
Lraper (New York Armenian Tri-weekly).
Modem Review (Calcutta Monthly).
Le Monde (Paris, Daily).
Morning News (Calcutta Daily).
Nation (New York Weekly).
New Bet Nahreen (Teaneck, N. J., Bi-monthly).
New Republic (New York Weekly).
The New Times (Moscow Weekly).
New York Herald Tribune (Daily).
New York Herald Tribune, European Edition (Paris Daily).
New York Times (Daily).
Novoye Russkoye Slovo (New York Daily).
Pakistan News (Published by the Pakistan Information Department, Karachi)
Palestine Post (Jerusalem Daily).
Pravda (Moscow Daily).
Saturday Evening Post (New York Weekly).
Soviet News (Published daily by the Press Department of the Soviet Embassy, London).
Soviet Russia Today (New York Monthly).
The Spectator (London Weekly).
Times (London Daily).
The World Today (London Monthly).
Zionews (New York Monthly).