October 5, 1973 Terror attacks in Lydda, Ramleh, Ben Shemen


9th Ramadan 1393 H. October 5, 1973 Source: el-Sadat, Anwar, In Search of Identity: An Autobiography, Buccaneer Books, New York, 1977, p.328 December 19, 1973 Arab Murder, Mayhem, and Massacre – Lydda, Ramleh, Ben Shemen Rome, Dec. 18 The Italian interior Minister told Parliament tonight that the murderous Arab guerrilla raid at Fiumicino Airport near here yesterday might have been carried out by members of the same faction that was responsible for the killings at Lydda Airport in Israel in May, 1972. At least 32 persons died when the guerrillas attacked a Middle East bound Pan American World Airways jetliner at the airport with bombs and submachine guns yesterday. They then commandeered a West German Lufthansa plane to fly to Athens with a number of hostages. Source: New York Times, December 19, 1973

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