Fedayeen from Gaza attempted the assassination of Prime Minister Ben-Gurion. According to a radio broadcast in Gaza:
“The Fedayeen headquarters in Gaza has issued a communiqué stating that a group of Fedayeen succeeded on 13 October to cross the southern border of Palestine in order to discover the concentration points and the factories which the Zionists have started to transfer to the coastal region so as to get them out of the fire range of Egyptian guns which threaten to destroy them. The communiqué of Fedayeen headquarters in Gaza states also that all the Fedayeen returned safely to their bases, except two who are believed to have been killed in an encounter which took place between them and the guards of Prime Minister Ben-Gurion’s home in Sde Boker. Further, it is believed that two other Fedayeen have been wounded and taken to a hospital in Rehovoth. The fifth of the Fedayeen has not yet returned from his mission in occupied Palestine.”
Source: Regional Development for Regional Peace: A New Policy and Program to Counter the Soviet Menace in the Middle East, Washington, DC: Public Affairs Institute, 1957