November 21, 1933 Jewish Heads Join In Palestine Plea Protest
“Jewish Heads Join In Palestine Plea Protest on Bars to Entry is laid before wauchope by delegation all groups. Settlers’ decree urged. High commissioner in Replay Says Conditions Now Make Restrictions Necessary.
The deputation protested to Sir Arthur on the alleged severity of measures taken against Jewish settlers who were in the country without authority. It cited the deportation of tourists overstaying the time granted by visas s a punishment out of proportion to the offense.
The High Commissioner in his reply said he knew Jews elsewhere in the world now were suffering great hardships, but he could not allow that fact to be the major consideration in determining his policy here. Immigration must be governed by the economic absorptive capacity of the country, he declared.”
Source: November 22, 1933 The New York Times by Joseph M. Levy
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