Rogem Hiri

Rogem Hiri. By ​Hebrew Wikipedia user אסף.צ, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The mysterious site of Rogem Hiri (Rujm el-Hiri, in Arabica) was unknown to professional archaeology until after the Six-Day War in 1967 when the Golan Heights became accessible to Israeli archaeologists. It was discovered during the 1967–1968 archaeological survey of the lower Golan Heights.

This unique site consists of five concentric stone circles, the outer one of which is nearly a third of a mile in circumference. In the center is a massive, carefully constructed cairn over 60 feet in diameter.

The five circles are reasonably well preserved. In places they are nearly 8 feet high and over 10 feet wide. At various points, the concentric walls are connected by radial walls, creating separated spaces. The circular complex has two monumental entryways, one facing northeast and the other southeast.

According to one estimate, the site contains over 125,000 cubic feet of stones, ranging in size from small field stones to massive megaliths weighing several tons.

Hundreds of cairns and dolmens of various sizes and shapes are clustered around the site. Numerous straight low stone walls create complex geometric patterns in its immediate vicinity.

Read the rest of Mystery Circles in the online Biblical Archaeology Society Library.