In April 1887 the Porte revived its claim to treat the Russian Jews under British protection as Ottoman subjects. Salisbury’s instructions to the Ambassador in reply were-
Your Excellency will continue to resist the claim to reverse in this sudden manner, and without notice, arrangements which have been recognized for nearly forty years by the Ottoman Authorities. You are authorized to state that Her Majesty’s Government are anxious to put an end to any irregularities or anomalies that may exist in regard to the enjoyment of British protection by persons who are not properly entitled by law or usage to claim it, but that they feel bound to take care that the measures adopted for this purpose should not cause undue hardship to the individuals concerned. As regards to the case of the Russian Jews in Palestine now under discussion, arrangements have Your Excellency is aware, been made to withdraw British protection from a large proportion of them in 1890. Your Excellency is at liberty to communicate to the Porte the Regulations on this subject of which the draft was enclosed in Mr. Wyndham’s Despatch No. 76 Cons. Of November 24, 1884, and which were confirmed by my despatch to you No. 94 Cons. of the 1st October, 1885. But you should state that the action of the Vali to suddenly claiming to disregard the protection all together seems to Her Majesty’s Government to be neither equitable to those affected by it, nor courteous towards Her Majesty’s Government. It is moreover inconsistent with the principle laid down in the Turkish Circular of 1859 respecting nationality, that persons then recognized as foreign subjects should continue to be treated, and Her Majesty’s Government would greatly regret a disposition on the part of the Porte to sustain the contention of their officer. It would in their opinion be at variance with the spirit of consideration in which such matters should be treated between friendly governments.