March 28, 1921 British Restrict Jewish Immigration to Palestine


March 28, 1921 British Restrict Jewish Immigration to Palestine “The Secretary of State received influential Moslem and Jewish deputations, and assured them both that there would be no change in the declared policy of His Majesty’s Government.  The Balfour declaration contained declared policy of His Majesty’s Government.  The Balfour declaration contained two distinct promises, one to the Jews and one to the Arabs of Palestine.  He appealed to the Jews to dispel the exaggerated fears of the Arabs by a good and friendly attitude and by the exercise of due restraint as well as of enthusiasm.  He advised the Arabs, on the other hand, to give help and encourage to the Jews, whose success would bring general prosperity and wealth to all Palestinians.” Source: Report on  Middle East Conference Held in Cairo and Jerusalem, March 12 To March 30, 1921; CAB-24-122-0-0066

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