
Letter from Niger and Brocchus

Writing-tablet from the fort at Vindolanda, Northumberland, late 1st or early 2nd century AD. A letter from Niger and Brocchus to Flavius Cerialis.


‘Niger and Brocchus to their Cerialis, greeting. We pray, brother that what you are about to do will be most successful. It will be so, indeed, since it is both in accord with our wishes to make this prayer on your behalf and you yourself are most worthy. You will assuredly meet our governor quite soon. (2nd hand) We pray, our lord and brother, that you are in good health … expect … (?).
Back- (1st hand) ‘To Flavius Cerialis, prefect of the cohort …’

This brief letter is about a matter of some importance to Cerealis, the unit commander, a forthcoming meeting with the governor of the province of Britain. In a draft letter on another tablet Cerealis had enlisted the aid of a well-placed intermediary to secure this meeting, so it would appear he had been successful.

British Museum- Writing tablet with a letter from Niger and Brocchus to Flavius Cerialis