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Former Governor Herbert H. Lehman told dinner guests of the Palestine Economic Corporation at the Waldorf-Astoria last night that it was the duty of Americans of the Jewish faith “to help design and erect a suitable superstructure upon the foundation” of a Jewish state in Palestine.
“It is the task of Americans of the Jewish faith,” he said, “to help the people of Palestine in the further development of their country so that their noble aspirations will be given the opportunity of fulfillment as have our own. Our generation is uniquely fortunate to be in a position to make the new Jewish state economically and spiritually self-sufficient so that it can exert great moral leadership among the nations of the world.”
Those who will build a new nation in Palestine, he added, need the generous he and the whole hearted encouragement of their co-religionists in all lands. “People such as you and I,” he emphasized, “with undivided and single loyalty and devotion to America will none the less feel a deep interest in and responsibility for the success of this new sister nation.”
The former Governor discussed the possibilities of creating a vigorous economy in Palestine and the advantages of building the country up through large, public spirited businesses such as the Palestine Economic Corporation whose twenty-five-year record of constructive activity in Palestine he highly praised. “It was the vision of men like Justice Brandeis, Felix Warburg, Bernard Flexner, Nathan Siraus and others,” he said, “which nurtured this significant venture for Palestine development. They knew that if Palestine was to be a home for Jewish people it must prosperous and there must be economic opportunities for them.”
The former Governor was elected honorary chairman of the board of the Palestine Economic Corporation, it was announced last night.
Israel B. Brodie, vice-chairman of the board; Nathan Straus, Robert Szold, chairman of the corporation’s board, and Samuel Charr, vice-president of Young & Rubicam, also spoke.
Mr. Brodie announced that the corporation plans to increase its $6,000,000 capitalization to $100,000,000, establish new basic industries in Palestine and persuade American business men to open branches of their industries there with the necessary technicians. “This,” he said, “is even more important than dollars, because we will have to provide gainful employment eventually for about 250,000 people instead of the present 70,000 industrial wage earners there.”