Laws represented as having been given at Sinai —

1. The Decalogue or 10 commandments Ex 20-1-17

2. Covenant Code (civil and religious law) Ex 20-22-23-33

3. A Ritual decalogue Ex 34-10-26

Priestly legislation

3. Cultic instructions Ex 25-31 (fulfilled in Ex 35-40)

4. Laws of sacrifice and ritual purity Lev 1-18, 27

5. The Holiness Code Lev 19-26

6. Priestly supplements (miscellany) Num 1-10

Laws represented as having been given in the 40 years after Sinai as the Israelites sojourned in the wilderness and journeyed toward the land of Israel —

7. Priestly supplements (miscellany) Num 28-31,33-36

8. Deuteronomic Code Dt 12-26

9. Laws sanctioned by a curse Dt 27

Ancient Law Collections

Ur-Nammu. 2112-2095, founder of the 3rd dynasty of Ur; Sumerian language, known from scribal copies dating to 1800-1700. Prologue but no preserved epilogue.

Lipit-Ishtar. 1980-1970 BCE. 5th ruler of Isin Dynasty. Sumerian Language.
Originally on stele but we have 7 clay tablets. Prologue and epilogue.

Eshnunna. Early 2nd millenium, 1900? Amorite controlled state. Akkadian language.
No prologue or epilogue.

CH — 1792-1750, 6tb of 11 kings of the Old Babylonian (Amorite) Dynasty. Akkadian
language. On diorite stele with bas-relief showing Hammurabi receiving commission to write the law-code from the god of justice, the sun-god Shamash. Carried to Susa by Elamite raiders; prologue and epilogue.

Hittite Laws — 2nd millenium? Hittite language in Akkadian script. 2 Tablets in a
series, tbough there may have been a third. Contains updating. No prologue or epilogue.

Middle Assyrian Laws n May go back to the 18th c., BCE. Akkadian language;
preserved in clay tablets, some badly broken and dating to the time of TiglathPileser of 12th c BCE. May have had short introduction.

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