American Jewish Yearbook. Volume 41. Philadelphia- Jewish Publication Society of America, 1939-40. pp. 261-268.

Arad, Yitzhak, Yisrael Gutman and Abraham Margaliot. Documents of the Holocaust. Jerusalem- Yad Vashem, 1981. pp. 102-117.

Baker, Leonard. Days of Sorrow and Pain- Leo Baeck and the Berlin Jews. New York- Macmillan, 1978. pp. 200-238.

Ball-Kaduri, K.Y. “The Central Jewish Organizations in Berlin During the Pogrom of November 1938 (‘Kristallnacht’)” in Yad Vashem Studies. 3(1959). pp. 261-281.

Freeden, Herbert H. Grist to God’s Mill. London- Godfrey & Stephens, 1947. Novel based on Kristallnacht.

Graml, Hermann. Antisemitism in the Third Reich. Cambridge, Blackwell, 1992. pp. 6-29.

Herz, Yitzhak S. “Kristallnacht at the Dinslaken Orphanage.” Yad Vashem Studies (11) 344- 368.

The Holocaust- Selected Documents in Eighteen Volumes. Introduction by John Mendelsohn. New York- Garland, 1982. Vol. 3- “The Crystal Night Pogrom.”

Kochan, Lionel. Pogrom- November 10, 1938. London- Andre Deutsch, 1957.

Kristallnacht- November 9-10, 1938- A Resource Book and Program Guide. Los Angeles- Simon Wiesenthal Center, 1988.

Legters, Lyman H. Western Society After the Holocaust. Boulder, CO- Westview Press, 1983. pp. 39-106.

Lochner, Louis P. What About Germany?. London- Hodder and Stoughton, 1943. pp. 177-190.

Lookstein, Haskel. Were We Our Brothers’ Keepers? The Public Response of American Jews to the Holocaust. New York- Hartmore House, 1985. pp. 35-80.

McKale, Donald. “A Case of Nazi ‘Justice-‘ The Punishment of Party Members Involved in the Kristallnacht, 1938.” Jewish Social Studies, 1973, 35 (3/4), 228-238.

Milton, Sybil. “Images of the Holocaust.” Holocaust and Genocide Studies 1986 (1/1), pp. 27-61. Has several reproductions of Kristallnach photographs.

Morse, Arthur D. While Six Million Died- A Chronicle of American Apathy. New York- Random House, 1968. pp. 221-240.

Murray, Michelle. The Crystal Nights. New York- Dell Publishing, 1973. Young adult novel.

Pehl, Walter H. ed. November 1938- From ‘Reichskristallnacht’ to Genocide. New York- Berg, 1991.

Rabbinic Resonsa to the Holocaust Era. New York- Schocken Books, 1985, pp. 54-65.

Racial, Religious and Political Minorities- A Debate in the House of Commons, November 21, 1938. London- Woburn Press, 1938.

Read, Anthony and David Fisher. Kristallnacht- The Nazi Night of Terror. New York- Random House, 1989.

Roizen, Ron. “Herschel Grynszpan- The Fate of a Forgotten Assassin.” Holocaust and Genocide Studies (1986) 1/2, 217-228.

Schleunes, Karl A. The Twisted Road to Auschwitz- Nazi Policy Toward German Jews 1933- 1939. London- Andre Deutsch, 1972. pp. 214-254.

Schwab, Gerald. The Day the Holocaust Began- The Odyssey of Herschel Grynszpan. New York- Praeger, 1990.

Shirer, William. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. New York- Simon & Schuster, 1960. p.. 430-437.

Thalmann, Rita and Emmanuel Feinermann. Crystal Night- 9-10 Novmeber 1938. New York- Holocaust Library, 1974.

Volkov, Shulamit. “The ‘Kristallnacht’ in Context.” Leo Baeck Institute Year Book XXXV’ (1990) 279-296.

Zimmels. H. J. The Echo of the Nazi Holocaust in Rabbinic Literature. New York- Ktav Publishing, 1977. pp. 25-35.


Kristallnacht. Lincroft, NJ- Brokkdale Community College, n.d. Videocassette, 60 min.

Kristallnacht- The Journey from 1938-1988. Alexandria, VA- PBS Video, 1993. Videocassette, 58 min.

The Museum of Tolerance Online- Kristallnacht- A Selected Bibliography