June 20st, 1938 Tegart’s Wall


June 20, 1938 Tegart’s Wall “Britain’s most ingenious solution for handling terrorism in Palestine was revealed in Geneva last week to the League of Nations Permanent Mandates Commission by His Majesty’s Government’s Deputy Permanent Under-Secretary for Colonies, Sir John Shuckburgh. Following a suggestion of mail-fisted Sir Charles Tegart, now adviser to the Palestine Government on the suppression of terrorism, a barbed wire barrier to keep out terrorist is being strung along the entire Palestine frontier at a cost of $450,000. This includes a nine-foot barbed wire fence between Palestine and French-mandated Lebanon and Syria, which border Palestine on the north and northeast.  A lot of Palestine’s tougher Arabs come from those two mandates. The fence will be completed in August, announced Sir John.  Almost as he spoke, a band of Arab terrorist swooped down on a section of the fence, dubbed Tegart’s Wall, ripped it up and carted it across the frontier into Lebanon” Source: Tegart’s Wall, Time Magazine June 20, 1938 A Tegart’s Wall “Pillbox”  

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