“Revenge of Arabs Alarms Palestine. Jews accused of Haifa outrage Holy War Preached in Press and Over Radio. New bomb blast averted British Planes dispatch boarder when word comes That Moslems Are Rising.

Father and Son Killed. Today a father and his 15years old son at the Jewish colony of Mishmar Hayarden were returning from the River Jordan to the colony when they were attacked by a gang of Arabs. The son was killed instantly and the father died later. Before dying he stated that he was attacked by the Arab quarantine officer at the Mishmar Hayarden station. The Arab was arrested. Jewish supernumerary police arrived and engaged the band, killing three Arabs and wounding several. Early this morning a bomb was found at the gate of a Jewish children’s play ground in Jerusalem but it was removed by the police before it exploded. Also early this morning a powerful time bomb was planted in the old city of Jerusalem in the Arab market place, almost at the same spot where one exploded nearly a fortnight ago. This bomb was set to explode at 8:10 A.M., but was removed by the British police at 8:02 A. M.

While a Jewish owned bus was passing through the Arab town of Ramleh a bomb was thrown into the bus. A Jewish passenger kicked it out and in doing so fell from the bu. The bus stopped and two other passengers got off to pick him up. An Arab crowd gathered and accused the Jew who kicked the bomb from the bus of having thrown it. He was arrested by an Arab policeman.”

Source: July 26th 1938 New York Times by Joseph M. Levy