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JERUSALEM, Jan. 19 (AP)-The office of the chief of Jewish mobilization announced tonight that all Jewish men and women in Palestine between 25 and 40 would be enrolled in defense work by Feb. 1.
The announcement said that Jewish students being graduated from high school or college would no longer be permitted to leave the Holy Land for advanced study, because all available strength was needed here in the fight against the Arabs.
Jewish and Arab workers clashed on the crowded docks in Haifa today. Military sources said one Jew was stabbed to death.
An informant at the United State Consulate said that the Consul General in Jerusalem was keeping the State Department “fully informed” of activities of former American soldiers of Jewish faith who were students at universities in Palestine and taking part in the Holy Land fighting.
Sources close to the Palestine Government said that the British Army surplus goods office here had agreed to sell twenty-one used Auster scout planes to the Jewish Agency for Palestine. The office also has agreed to sell other military equipment to the Agency, including barbed wire and light reconnaissance cars, the sources said.