Consul Says American Was Wounded Deliberately
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JERUSALEM. Aug. 8 (UP).- American Consul General John J. MacDonald charged today that the shooting of an American consular guard here yesterday was a “deliberate” Jewish act.
Guard Joseph Przytowski, twenty-eight, of Chester, Pa., was wounded in the arm while en route to Kalandia Air Field, north of Jerusalem. Mr. Prdzytowski was in a consular car with five other guards who were being transferred to Cairo, Egypt. They were accompanied by Consul William C. Burdett. jr.
Mr. Macdonald said he is sending a second strong protest to Dr. Bernard Joseph, Military Governor of Jewish Jerusalem. He said he had not received an answer to his first complaint.
He said the shooting occurred on a short stretch of road used for United Nations and consular traffic in the Musrara quarter. near the Biblical Tombs of the Judges, in northern Jerusalem.
A Jewish liaison officer said he had arranged with Mr. Burdett for the car to cross Jewish lines at 11 a. m. yesterday. The car did not appear until two hours later, when the Jews were returning Arab sniper fire. Mr. Macdonald said he was fired on at the same place Friday.