Dr. Stephen Wise Hopes British Will Recognize Israel.
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MONTREUX, SWITZERLAND, June 27. (AP)-Dr. Stephen Wise, president of the World Jewish Congress, expressed hope today that Britain would recognize Israel soon.
Opening the second plenary session-the first assembly since the congress was organized in Geneva twelve years ago-Wise said he was happy that the United States, “despite its earlier vacillations,” is assisting Israel.
He added that Britain, “as a result of its pro-Arab policy,” is breeding resentment and bitterness.
Dr. Nahum Goldmann of New York, chairman of the congress’ executive committee, told delegates from sixty nations that the congress should concentrate on two problems-
“The protection of the Jewish position and the reconstruction of Jewish rights in Europe, Latin America, North Africa, and the Far East.”
And “directed, coordinated and organized political activity.”
Thirty-five American delegates elected as their chairman Dr. Joachim Prinz of Newark, N. J., who is chairman of the national administrative committee of the American Jewish Congress.