Greco-Roman Period
These amoraic passages emphasize the power of aggadah to provide an understanding even deeper than that of Talmud, logical deduction from legal teachings. Further, the text notes the non-halakhic character of aggadah which cannot lead to legal rulings.

Rabbi Samuel son of Rabbi Yose son of Rabbi Abun expounded- “A rich man is wise in
his own eyes, but an understanding poor man will probe him” (Prov. 28-11). “A rich
man” refers to a Master ofthe Talmud. “But an understanding poor man will probe him”
refers to a Master of Aggadah.

[It is comparable] to two who entered a city. One had bars of gold and one had small
change. The man with the bars of gold could not spend and sustain himself; the man with
the small change could spend and sustain himself….

Rabbi Abba bar Kahana went to a place and he found Rabbi Levi sitting and
expounding- “A man to whom God gives riches, property and wealth so that his soul does
not lack anything he may desire, but God does not permit him to eat of it, for a foreigner
will eat of it” (Eccl. 6-2). “Does not permit him to eat of it” refers to a Master of Aggadah
who does not forbid and does not permit, does not declare pure and does not declare

128. Trans. S. Berrin.