Jan 27 1939 The Churchill White Paper

ChurchillThe Churchill White Paper no longer held good with regard to the phrase, ‘as of right and not on sufferance’. ‘As of right’, McDonald told his colleagues, in complete contradiction to anything that could be found in the Churchill White Paper (The Palestine mandate), ‘as of right’ referred only to those Jews who were already living in Palestine in 1922. It did not apply, said McDonald, to those Jews who reached Palestine after 1922 or might do so in the Future “…WE COULD NOT AFFORD TO FORFEIT THE CONFIDENCE AND FRIENDSHIP OF SUCH A LARGE PART OF THE MUSLIM WORLD.  IF WE LOST THAT NOW, WE WOULD LOSE IT FOR A LONG TIME.” Source: Sir Martin Gilbert:  British Policy towards Jewish Refugees 1933 to 1946; Miriam Rothschild and John Foster Human Rights Trust

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