Jewish Communities in the Holy Land


Ad-Dikke, Alma, Arbel, Barᶜam, Beth Shean, Beth Shearim, Caesarea, Cana, Capernaum, Chorazin, Cochav ha-Jarden, En Nashut, Gush Halav, Hammath Gader, H. ᶜAmmundim, Jafia, Kh. Marus, Kh. Shema, Kh. Sumaq, Maᶜoz Hayyim, Meiron, Nabratein, Qasrin, Rehov, Sasa, Sepphoris, Tiberias, Yesod ha-Maale.

South of Jerusalem

Anaia, Ashkelon, Beth Gubrin, En Gedi, Eshtemoᶜa, H. Rimmon, Maᶜon, Susiya.

Source: Jews and Christians in the Holy Land. Günter Stemberger. (p. 146)