…the general tendency of the Jews to take possession of the lands of this holy country and their streaming into it by hundreds and thousands through legal and illegal means has terrified the country.”
The country, it went on, was fully aware that the object of the Government’s policy was “to pave the read for driving the nation away from its homeland for foreigners to supersede it” – they “will not expect any good form this Government and it oppression”; and “it will be looked upon as the true enemy whom they must get rid of through every legal means.”
The manifesto concluded with an announcement of a meeting to be held at Jaffa and appealed to the nation “to get ready for the serious acts which will be imposed by the resolutions of this assembly.” “The country calls its sons for action and sacrifice in these hard times.”
The meeting was held on the 26th March and attended by some five or six hundred Arabs of all classes, townsmen and villagers alike, the members of the Arab Executive, including the Mufti of Jerusalem, and by the mayors of most of the Arab towns. Resolutions were passed adopting “the principle of non-co-operation,” and ordering “the immediate execution of its first steps forthwith, such as boycotting receptions and exchange of courtesies with Government, Government Boards, British goods and Zionist goods, products and commercial premises,” and the formation of a Committee to study ways and means for a wider application of the “non-co-operation principle.”