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JERUSALEM, May 6 (AP)-A convoy of six Egyptian buses carrying 115 Egyptian nationals and eight. cars of Greeks left Jerusalem for Egypt this morning amid puffs of mortar bombs exploding into Mekor Haim and Katamon and a crossfire from rifles and machine guns.
The British sent seven Comet planes to Jerusalem to reinforce the garrison while the evacuation was being carried out.
A spokesman for the Jewish Agency replied to British Foreign Secretary Bevin’s appeal for a cease-fire in Palestine with the accusation that the British were not trying to stop the “Arab invasion.”
Zionists Win Two Villages
HAIFA, Palestine, May 6 (AP)-Jewish sources said tonight that the Haganah forces had captured two Arab villages in eastern Galilee.
The sources said one of the villages was near Mount Tabor.
Two Jews were killed and nine wounded and the bodies of twenty Arabs, were found after the Haganah overran the village of Sejera, seventeen miles southeast of Tiberias, the Jewish sources said. They added that an Arab counter-attack from near-by villages was repulsed.
The Arab village of Arab el Edha also was captured, the sources said Two Jews were killed and sixteen wounded in the assault. They said Arab casualties were believed to have been high.