The Tyche of Dura crowned by Seleukos Nikator. Limestone cult relief from the Temple of the Gaddé.
Found in 1932.
Matheson, Susan B. Dura Euopos. New Haven- Yale University Art Gallery, 1982.
See also-
- Social and Religious Life in Diaspora (332 BCE-7th century CE)
- How can an archaeological discovery change our interaction with the past? Prof. Steven Fine. Produced by Down Low Pictures for COJS.
- Books in Brief- The Discovery of Dura-Europos, A. Thomas Kraabel, BAR 6-04, Jul-Aug 1980.
- Books in Brief- The Synagogue- The Excavations at Dura-Europos, Final Report, BAR 6-04, Jul-Aug 1980.