December 5, 1947 Haj Amin al Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem


December 5, 1947 “ backed up the Arab Higher Committee with an order sent from his exile in the Lebanon that the Arabs had accomplished their purpose with their three-day strike and that no further demonstration should be mad… The police report of the incident said that soon after noon an armored car on patrol on the Jerusalem Tel Aviv road was fired on near the village of Salama, two miles outside Tel Aviv.  The patrol fired into the air, but when a bomb was thrown at the car it went into action… Today’s fourth death occurred a few miles from Tel Avivi, where a Jewish truck was ambushed on the road by unidentified attackers.  A laborer riding as a passenger was shot through the head and killed and the driver was wounded seriously.” Source: New York Times, December 6, 1947

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