December 31st, 1930 Albert Einstein


albert einsteinDecember 31st, 1930 Albert Einstein “The scientific organization and comprehensive exposition in accessible form of the Talmud has a twofold importance for us Jews. It is important in the first place that the high cultural values of the Talmud must be made an open book to the world, in order to cut the ground from under certain malevolent attacks, of anti-Semitic origin, which borrow countenance from the obscurity and inaccessibility of certain passages in the Talmud. To support this cultural work would thus mean an important achievement for the Jewish people.” Quoted from a letter by Albert Einstein to Professor Chaim Tchernowitz of the Jewish Institute of Religion in New York. December 31, 1930. Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish daily Bulletin) Source: Professor Albert Einstein Praises Effort to Make Talmud Accessible, Dec. 31, 1930

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