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By NAT A. BARROWS Chicago Daily News Foreign Service
LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., June 6-Sources close to the maneuvers and manipulations about Palestine see the future looming ahead about as follows-
Abdullah, King of Trans-Jordan, by the grace of his Britannic Majesty’s pleasure and the favor of Whitehall, is expected to propose a compromise with the Israelis.
This compromise, according to informed sources here, may include the following points-
1-Recognition of the Jewish state as a political unit.
2-Loss of some of the present Israeli territory in return for such recognition. This possibly would include areas in the Negeb desert.
3-Establishment of Abdullah in Jerusalem as the proclaimed head of the Arab territory in Palestine.
4-Granting of a zone in Abdullah’s area to British military forces.
Abdullah, certainly, holds the upper hand among the Arab leaders today. In direct ratio to his ascendancy-thanks to British support-the erstwhile key figure in the Arab world, the exiled mufti of Jerusalem, has gone down in power and prestige.
Abdullah, always an opportunist, has been quick to exploit the undercurrents of Arab bickering and ambitions, but the main point is this-
As long as Abdullah retains the open support of the British government he is playing with marked cards. In his game to emerge as kingpin over his Arab competitors, he would have to try very hard, indeed, to lose.