April 30, 41 C.E. Judeopagan Conflict

April 30, 41 C.E. Judeopagan Conflict

The action begins with a preliminary hearing before the Imperial Council, the Consilium Caesaris (symboulion in Greek), on the fifth of Pachon, the day before the Calends of May, i.e., April 30. The year has not been conserved but we may assume it was the first of...

August 38 C.E. Jews and Synagogues of Alexandria

Jews and Synagogues of Alexandria/ Judeopagan Conflict/ Murder/ Statue of Caligula in Synagogues The Jews of Hellenistic Egypt met with a certain amount of “anti-Judaism,” even during the period of their greatest influence, but things did not turn noxious until the...
78 B.C.E. Purim/Ecclesiasticus

78 B.C.E. Purim/Ecclesiasticus

78 B.C.E. Purim/Ecclesiasticus   The Book of Esther, in a Greek version written in Judah, was introduced into Egypt, probably in 78/77 B.C.E., during the reign of Ptolemy Auletes, the father of the seductive Cleopatra VII. It was accompanied by a letter...