by hadassah | Apr 8, 2008 | Jewish-Samaritan Relations
Abu’l Fath, Kitab Al-Tarikh: The Samaritan View of their Origins (Stenhouse Trans. From Anderson: The Keepers) A terrible civil war broke out between Eli son of Yafni, of the line of Ithamar, and the sons of Phineas, because Eli son Yafni resolved to usurp the...
by hadassah | Apr 8, 2008 | Jewish-Samaritan Relations
The Greek text of 1 Esdras provides an alternative or expanded version of Ezra 4-7-24. This text relates the attempt of the Samaritans to stop the Judeans from building the Temple and the city walls. 2-16 But in the time of Artaxerxes king of the Persians, Bishlam,...
by hadassah | Apr 8, 2008 | Jewish-Samaritan Relations
Josephus, based on sources not known to us, supplies information about the relations of the leaders of the priesthood of Judea and the Samaritans in the later Persian Period. We see that by this time the families had entered into relationships cemented by marriage. He...
by hadassah | Apr 8, 2008 | Jewish-Samaritan Relations
Greco-Roman Period Already before the rebuilding of the Temple commenced, the Samaritans, a mixed people made up of descendants of the North Israelites who were left in the land after the exile by Assyria in 722 B.C.E. and foreigners brought in by the Assyrians, asked...
by hadassah | Apr 8, 2008 | Jewish-Samaritan Relations
Excerpted from Ancient Israel From Abraham to the Roman Destruction of the Temple. Ed. Hershal Shanks. Washington, D.C.- Biblical Archaeology Society, 1999. Samaritans Unfortunately, Judah’s Samaritan neighbors sought to influence the Persians to limit the development...