Bronze Statue of Caananite Ruler, 13th century BCE
1990-1999 Excavations in Hazor by Amnon Ben-Tor yielded a bronze statue of a Canaanite ruler.
Although the invaders of Hazor tried to utterly destroy the city, a wealth of figurines endured the attack. Some sacred statues, like the seated male figure (above), were intentionally buried in the city’s last hours to protect them from desecration by the invaders. Discovered beneath the floor in the palace’s northwestern side room, the 1-foot-tall seated figure may represent a ruler of Hazor.
Excavating Hazor, Part Two, Amnon Ben-Tor and Maria Teresa Rubiato, BAR 25-03, May-Jun 1999.
“’97 Dig Opportunities,” BAR Jan-Feb 1997.
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