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By Jack Tait From the Herald Tribune Bureau Copyright. 1948, New York Herald Tribune Inc.
LONDON, May 24.-The Foreign Office disclosed today that the British government has urged Arab states to accept the United Nations Security Council’s proposals for a truce in Palestine. The disclosure was made soon after Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin and Lewis W. Douglas, American Ambassador to the Court of St. James’s, held their second talk on Palestine in forty-eight hours.
To enhance the prospects of Arab acceptance. Great Britain also has decided to support a request by the Arab states to the Security Council for an extension of its thirty-six-hour cease-fire order. There is some feeling in Foreign Office circles that if the Arabs have more time for deliberation, a truce agreement may be worked out.
Foreign Office spokesmen would make no comment on the hour-long conference between Mr. Bevin and Mr. Douglas, other than to say it probably concerned Palestine. Neither would they indicate which party initiated the meeting.
Policy May Shift
However, signs pointing to an early modification of Britain’s lone-wolf Palestine policy are numerous here. Pressure on Mr. Bevin to adopt a more co-operative line is increasing.
South Africa’s recognition of the State of Israel today-the first commonwealth to do so-and the persistent reports of growing disharmony between Britain and the United States over Palestine are expected to bring a shift in the British attitude. Furthermore, influential sections of the British press today expressed alarm over American criticism of Britain’s treaty tie-up with Arab forces.
Mr. Bevin finds himself accused of pursuing a “personal” policy in Palestine to the detriment of Anglo-American relations. Today’s move by South Africa, on Empire Day, may bring a similar accession respect to Commonwealth solidarity.
“Guardian” Editorial
The liberal “Manchester Guardian” in its leading editorial today said “In the last few days our relations with the United States have deteriorated shockingly.” It added-
“We have put ourselves in the wrong with world opinion and we are jeopardizing the success of the Marshall aid on which, as Mr. Bevin himself admits, our life depends…. Our business is either to help actively in bringing peace to Palestine or to keep absolutely clear of the war.”
There is widely expressed hope here that the Security Council may assist Britain to forsake its present Palestine policy by taking the decision to cut off military supplies from all combatants. In such an event, Britain could justify suspension of arms delivery to Arab states on the ground that regional treaty commitments are secondary to wider British commitments under the U. N. Charter.
Developments in Anglo-American relations in the last week will be the source of sharp questions and challenges in the House of Commons later this week. The House convenes tomorrow after a Whitsuntide recess since May 14.