Book of the Dead, c. 1300 BCE
The Book of the Dead was a description of the ancient Egyptian conception of the afterlife and a collection of hymns, spells, and instructions to allow the deceased to pass through obstacles in the afterlife. It was most commonly written on a papyrus scroll and placed in the coffin or burial chamber of the deceased.
The Book of the Dead contains a parallel to the Ten Commandments known as the “negative confession.” The deceased must make a confession before the 42 judges of the dead-
I have not made any man sick
I have not made any man weep I have not killed
I have not commanded any man to kill
I have not done harm to any man
I have not diminished the amount of the foodstuffs in the temples
I have not damaged the loaves offered to the gods
I have not stolen the loaves offered to the dead
I have not had any (illicit) sexual relations
I have not engaged in any unnatural lewdness…
(Introduction to Chapter 125)
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