Truman Gives Weizmann Hope Of Arms Ban End and U. S. Loan
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By Jack Werkley
WASHINGTON, May 25.-Dr. Chaim Weizmann. Provisional President of the new state of Israel, said today that President Truman had given him “some sort of hope” that the United States soon would life its embargo on arms shipments to the Jews in the Holy Land war.
After a half-hour conference with the President at the White House, Dr. Weizmann told reporters Mr. Truman also encouraged him on prospects for a $90,000,000 to $100,000,000 loan for military and economic aid to Israel. Dr. Weizmann said he hoped for favorable action on the embargo in the “not too distant future.”
The President of the Provisional Council of Israel said the loan he proposed to the President would be used partly for military supplies, including airplanes and tanks. and partly for economic purposes, including movement of Jewish displaced persons from Europe to Israel.