American League for a Free Palestine(Service of the New York Times.)

Washington, June 26.-Charges of treachery and secret deals with the enemy were leveled at the provisional government of Israel today by the American League for a Free Palestine, an organization closely associated with Irgun Zvai Leumi, dissident Zionist political group in Palestine.

The American League released from its offices here what it described as “a top secret intelligence report” containing “irrefutable proof” that the leaders of the new republic of Israel were making “basic concessions,” injurious to the new state, in secret negotiations with King Abdullah Ibn-Hussein of Arab Trans-Jordan.

Officials of the American organization, including Louis Bromfield, author and farmer, insisted that they were thoroughly satisfied with the authenticity of the report which they conceded was from Irgun sources. They explained that the same source had “always been right” in the past.

The so-called intelligence report further alleged that David Ben Gurion, prime minister, and Moshe Shertok, foreign minister, of the new state have made the following “basic concessions” to TransJordan-

1. The provisional government would not oppose the annexation of the Negeb by Abdulish.

2. The government would surrender Jaffa to Abdullah and in addition pay “a considerable indemnity” for Arab lessees in the battle of Jaffa.

3. The government would create a free zone in the port of Haifa for the use of Abdullah.

The statement added that even more shocking terms are being demanded by the Arab king, and “are being considered” by President Chaun Weizmann, and Shertok and Ben Gurior. These would provide for the creation of a “mixed federal regime” for all Palestine under King Abdullah, and the halting of further immigration to Palestine as of the day of the “conclusion of the peace.”