Beit Alpha ModelThis inscription, dating probably to the reign of Justin I, 517-28 C.E., mentions a “Rabbi,” indicating the links between the synagogues of Palestine and the Rabbinic class.

1. [This mosa]ic was composed in the year

2. [] of the reign of Emperor Justin

3. [with the proceeds] of the sale of wheat, one hundred

4. [se’ahs . . .] which all the [to]wnspeople volunteered

5. [ ] Rabbi

6. [ ] may there be remembered for good all

7. the t[ownspeople .. . may there be remembered for go]od

74. Trans S. Berrin and L. H. Schiffman from J. Naveh, ‘Al Pesipas va-’Even (Jerusalem- Israel Exploration Society, 1977/8), p. 72.