Count Folke BernadotteClick here to view the original article.

LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., June 11 (AP)-Count Folke Bernadotte was reported ready tonight to refuse both Russian and British offers to help supervise the Palestine truce.

A United Nations spokesman said this was indicated when U. N. officials talked by telephone with the Palestine mediator’s Cairo headquarters a second time this afternoon.

Bernadotte’s position on British aid was disclosed after a spokesman for the Israeli delegation here issued a statement vigorously objecting to any move to bring the British into the truce supervision plans.

The U. N. spokesman said Bernadotte was determined to restrict his staff of military observers to representatives of the United States, France and Belgium. These countries make up the Security Council’s consular truce commission in Palestine.

He was reported ready to ignore Russia’s offer to send observers unless the council gives him specific directions to invite Soviet representatives.