Bible and Beyond

"Simeon ben Kosba president of Israel and his economic chief. Peras."


Bar Kokhba Weight

Simon Bar Kokhba Lead weight—found by Amos Kloner at Alim near Kiryat Gat.

Face A of the lead weight discovered recently to a burrow, or low tunnel, used by Jewish defenders during the Second Jewish Revolt against Rome (132–135 CE). The drawing clarifies the crudely executed square Hebrew letters that appear an each face. The letters surround a six-petaled rosette enclosed by two concentric circles.

The inscription on face A begins in the upper right corner of the weight between the small handle and the top of the rosette and then continues counterclockwise arms; the top of the weight and around the other three sides.

The face A inscription is translated. “Simeon ben Kosba president (or head of state) of Israel and his economic chief. Peras.”

Visible an the edges of face A is a zigzag line, designed to protect the consumer from receiving a short measure. If an unscrupulous merchant chipped off a few grams from the weight, the damaged zigzag line would alert a wary buyer.

Actual size- 3 1/2 by 2 2/3 inches and 1/3 inch thick. Weight- almost two pounds.

“Israel Underground,” BAR Jul-Aug 1988.

Israel Dept. of Antiquities and Museums/Tsila Sagiv.

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