Hugo Rogers, Borough President of ManhattanA resolution that the Federal government permit recruiting and enlistment of American volunteers to fight with Jewish forces in Palestine was adopted yesterday by the thirteenth annual convention of the New York County Council of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States. The convention, attended by 300 delegates, was held at the Master Institute of United Arts. Riverside Drive and 103d Street.

Criticizing the government for reversing “its original policy in support of an independent Jewish state,” the resolution said that the change in policy was caused by the actions of “private and greedy interests of American oil imperialists.” There was a prolonged debate over the use of the word “dishonorable” in describing the present United States position on partition.

Hugo Rogers, Borough President of Manhattan, a convention delegate and one of the principal speakers, said that Jewish war veterans “must go beyond negative work in combating anti-Semitism.” He said that they should show that Jews are ready to take their places with others in government.

Elected officers of the council were county commander, Harry Grossman, vice-commanders, Roland Solomon, Fred Sheridan, Miss Ruth Engel, Daniel Levitan and Archie Dunn; judge advocate, Max Laurence Segal; quartermaster, Israel Stoller and adjutant, Miss Bess Kaplun. Mr. Stoller was reelected.

Abram Brown, Irving Trow and Miss Florence Greenwald were elected to the executive committee for three years. The new officers were installed last night at a testimonial dinner to the outgoing county commander, Lawrence J. Gross, at the institute.