LAKE SUCCESS, April 11 (AP)-Prince Faisal of Saudi Arabia will spearhead the Arab drive to kill the United Nations Palestine partition scheme, authoritative sources indicated today.
The prince, second son of King Ibn Saud and Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister, will be his country’s chief delegate to the special U. N. Assembly on Palestine beginning Friday.
It was apparent the Arabs were lining up their big guns for the Assembly. Prince Faisal seldom spoke last fall in the regular Assembly, but Arab strategy usually was planned in his skyscraper hotel suite. He gave the signal for the Arab walk-out on November 29 in protest against the 33 to 13 vote by which the delegates approved the partition plan.
The Security Council will make another attempt to draw up Palestine truce conditions tomorrow in an informal meeting at 10 a. m. (EST), in the United States delegation offices in New York. The U. S. delegate, Warren R. Austin, is making a strong effort to end violence and bloodshed in the Holy Land by a truce between the Jewish Agency for Palestine and the Arab Higher Committee.
Austin was said to feel encouraged over truce prospects. But the Jews and Arabs were reported standing on conditions which so far have barred a truce agreement.
One informed source said Austin felt that neither the Arabs nor the Jews could offer provisions for a truce but that both sides are anxious to avoid anarchy and bloodshed.
The Security Council has scheduled a formal session here at 2-30 p. m. (EST) tomorrow for another round on Chile’s charges that Russia helped the Communists of Czechoslovakia size power in February.
Andrel A. Gromyko, Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister who has attempted at every step to throw the case out of the Council, was said to have a 30-page speech ready for the meeting.