Abdullah Talks About Compromise on Palestine, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Aug. 5, 1948


King AbdullahClick here to view the original article. By DANIEL DE LUCE Associated Press Staff Writer AMMAN, Trans-Jordan, Aug. 4-King Abdullah spoke today of a compromise in Palestine. He said his “Arab nation does not exclude any possible compromise that secures justice and prevents unnecessary bloodshed.” “We would like that efforts of Count Bernadotte in the refugee problem be successful, and afterwards that any new proposals (for a Palestine settlement) which he will make should not be rejected outright but be fully discussed before they are put in final form,” he told a news conference. “If there should be any reason for their rejection, such a decision should also be preceded by joint discussion.” Count Folke Bernadotte, the United Nations mediator, saw the King here Monday and said later that “as always, he was helpful.” Abdullah commands five of the armies arrayed against Israel. Bernadotte’s previous peace plan, which the Arab League rejected. would have annexed the Arab portions of Palestine to Trans-Jordan The King’s reference to the refugee problem concerned the 300,000 to 350,000 Arabs who have fled their homes in Israeli-held sectors of Palestine. (Meanwhile, in Alexandria, Egypt, Count Bernadotte said he has asked the United Nations Security Council to affirm the right or the Palestine Arab refugees to return home. (He told a news conference Israeli authorities are “not very favorable” to the idea. The Jews claimed technical difficulties exist. (Also in Alexandria, United Nations and Red Cross officials took measures to fight a typhoid epidemic they fear may strike among Arab refugees from the Palestine war. (Sir Rafael Cilento, an Australian who represents the refugee division of the Social Affairs Department of the U. N., said last night there was grave danger of such an epidemic. He said the refugees are homeless and eye infection. Is widespread.) The King’s carefully chosen words promising Arab consideration of a Palestine “compromise” set a precedent among Arab statesmen Until now, all have avoided any public utterance indicating willingness in that direction. His statement suggested Trans-Jordan will insist that the Arab League give full consideration to Bernadotte’s next suggestion about Palestine, expected in September.

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