Abdullah Still Adamant on Jewish State, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, June 3, 1948


King Abdullah“If Count Bernadotte’s efforts fail and we must go to war again, neither the United Nations nor any other individual power in the world could have the slightest cause to interfere or demand that the Arabs cease their fight for peace and unity of Palestine” – King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan Click here to view the original article. AMMAN, Trans-Jordan, June 2 (AP)-c beamed today and said the Arab League acceptance of the cease fire in Palestine was the wisest decision in the League’s history. “But we will never under any circumstances accept a Jewish state,” he said in an interview. A column of motorized Iraqi infantry streamed through Amman to the cheers of thousands of Abdullah’s subjects. The King commands his own troops and those of Iraq. Syria, Ymen and Lebanon in the Palestine issue. “Last week, when the military situation was less favorable for the Arab states, they did not accept a truce,” Abdullah said. “It was not because they did not wish peace, but because the truce proposal was aimless and confused. Now they have accepted the cease fire, although their military prospects have greatly improved. “The reason is that there is one man-Count Bernadotte-who is trying to solve the Palestine problem on a basis of justice. We will be patient and help Count Bernadotte’s mission. But we will never under any circumstances accept a Jewish state. We stand on our previous decision to give the Jews all the rights of citizens in a united Arab state of Palestine.” Bernadotte is the United Nations mediator for Palestine. He called on Abdullah yesterday while men of the seven warring Arab states drafted their reply to the U. N. appeal for an armistice. “If Count Bernadott’s efforts fail and we must go to war again, neither the United Nations nor any other individual power in the world could have the slightest cause to interfere or demand that the Arabs cease their fight for peace and unity of Palestine,” Abdullah said.

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