Talks Called ‘Satisfactory’; 30 Typhus Cases Among Arab Refugees Reported
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AMMAN, Trans-Jordan, Aug. 8 (AP).-King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan discussed the Jerusalem situation today with United Nations representatives and his highest military advisers.
After an audience with the King of more than an hour, Belgian Consul General Jean Niewenhuys, chairman of the Jerusalem Consular Truce Commission, and Frank Begley, U. N. security officer, said- “Our visit to Amman has been highly satisfactory.”
They will report to U. N. Mediator Count Folke Bernadotte at Jerusalem tomorrow on the out-come of the Amman talks. Mr. Begley said King Abdullah had demanded that the Jews permit 400 Arab civilians to return to their homes in Ajunjul and Bueweira, villages near the Latrun-Ramallah Highway. He declared they were driven out by Jewish troops after the present truce began.
Before the arrival of the U. N. representatives, King Abdullah conferred with Defense Minister Fawzi Mulki and Brigadier John Glubb Pasha. British commander of the Trans-Jordan Arab Legion.
Arab medical authorities here reported an outbreak of typhoid among 12,000 refugees in the Ramallah area, north of Jerusalem, with thirty cases under treatment. Nineteen typhoid cases also were reported in the Nablus area, forty miles from Ramallah. Arab authorities said thousands of refugees are living in open fields and caves with a polluted water supply.
Sniping Near Jerusalem
JERUSALEM, Aug. 8 (AP).-An official Jewish source said at least three Arab Legion troopers and one Jewish soldier were hit during an exchange of fire today in the Arab-Jewish borderline territory near the Sheik Jarrah sector outside the walls of the Old City.