A Peace Bid Is In, Associated Press, Kansas City Times, June 28, 1948


Count Folke BernadotteSuggestions of Bernadotte to Go to the Jews and Arabs Today. AS A BASIS FOR TALKS Both Parties Have Right to Offer Counter Suggestions, Mediator Says.
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Rhodes, June 27. (AP)-Count Folke Bernadotte said tonight his suggestions for a “basis for further discussion”. for peace in Palestine will be given to Arab and Jewish leaders tomorrow or Tuesday. The United Nations mediator for the Holy Land said that “both parties must be notified of my suggestions at the same time.” “I have asked both parties not to comment on the suggestions or publish them until I have received their answers,” Bernadotte said. The U. N. mediator said “both parties have the right to come forward with counter suggestions.” Asked whether his suggestions are designed to be a basis for further talks looking toward Palestine peace, or whether they contained the peace plan itself, Bernadotte replied- “I would say the former.” Bernadotte said Jewish experts now in Rhodes for consultations with him will fly back to Tel Aviv tomorrow. They will be accompanied by Johan Reedman, a member of Bernadotte’s staff. Arab experts now in Rhodes will delay their departure until they get definite word of the place of the Tuesday meeting of the Arab league. When they leave, they will fly in Bernadotte’s plane and be accompanied by Paul Mosu and Constantine Stavuro Oslos.

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