October 23rd 1937 Renewed Violence Worries Palestine Depression
October 23rd 1937
“Renewed Violence Worries Palestine Depression is intensified as Arab Terrorists Resume Activities after Lull Many Urge Stern Steps.
The Palestine Government’s stringent measures of Oct. 1st in deporting the members of the Arab High Committee and depriving the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amen El Husseini, of his offices served only temporarily to frighten a few Arab terrorists, who for a moment believed that the government meant business and would not tolerate any further disturbances of the peace.
For two weeks the country was unusually quiet and calm, but seeing that beyond the deportation of these leaders the government did not take further stringent action the terrorists resumed their activities.”
Source October 24, 1937 New York Times by Joseph M. Levy
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