1939 Terrorism in London


1939 “London- As the sequel to yesterday’s fatal bomb explosions staged by Irish terrorist at two London railroad stations, the British government was reported tonight [July 27] to be planning mass deportations during the week end of hundreds of suspected members of the outlawed Irish Republican Army.  It was understood that a warship would be sent on Saturday to Fishguard or Holyhead, the two principal Welsh ports on the Irish Sea, to await batches of Irish men, and women, who will be rounded up for expulsion.” Source: International  New York Times, July 28, 2014 1939 “London- Explosions and the discovery of bomb throughout England in the past several days have led to the posting of special guards about business houses and public buildings.  Members of the outlawed Irish Republican Army have been blamed for the wave of terrorism.  A workman named Pickley arrived at the timber yard of Samuel Putney, Ltd., just in time to hear one of the explosions this morning [Feb. 9].  The damage was curtailed when Pickley threw the flaming bomb to the street.  Two other incendiary bombs were discovered this morning in Camley Street, King’s Cross” Source: International  New York Times, July 28, 201, Bomb Blasts Impede Search

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