May 17, 1939 Demonstration in Tel Aviv against The White Paper


May 17, 1939 White Paper Demonstration in Tel Aviv against The White Paper of May, 1939: May 19, 1939 British Restrict Jewish Immigration to Palestine – White Papers May 17, 1939 “Jews throughout Palestine launched a determined passive resistance campaign today against British plans to reduce them to the status of a permanent minority in a proposed independent Arab dominated Holy Land. Fifteen government members of Parliament have joined Laborites in opposition to the Chamberlain government’s plan to set up a self-governing  Arab-Jewish State in Palestine, with the Arabs in the majority They submitted a motion in Commons against consideration of the scheme until the League of Nations had examined it and it had been shown to be compatible with requirements of Britain’s League mandate over the Holy land. S.S. Hammersley, Conservative, announced his intention to question Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, in two-day debate on the plan starting next Monday, as to whether the government had consulted the United States in accordance with a 1924 agreement.” Source: New York Times, May 20, 1939

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