November 13, 1947 Arab Murder, Mayhem, and Massacre – Lydda, Ramleh, Ben Shemen
“Sir Mohammed Zafrullah Khan of Pakistan informed the committee chairman that the Arab report was ready except for formal approval but that he had been instructed by the subcommittee not to present it until the partition plan based on the majority report was submitted…
Since the American-Russian plan for partition assumes continued British control until the new states are functioning, British assent is imperative or other means to implement the settlement must be devised…
The subcommittee did not discuss the more controversial boundary questions, which concern separation of Jaffa, and western Galilee from the proposed Jewish state, as proposed by the majority report…
Inclusion in the Jewish state of an area of 47,000 dunums (a dunum is about one-fourth of an acre) along the Nazareth-Tiberias road. In this area there are only 400 Arabs and no Jews, but it is the proposed site for an irrigation reservoir…
The Lydda airport originally contained in the Arab state was assigned to the Jewish state.”
Source: New York Times, November 12, 1947