30 More Lose Lives in Palestine, Associated Press, San Francisco Chronicle, Mar. 20, 1948


Arab-Jewish WarfareJERUSALEM, March 19 (AP)-Thirty persons were slain today in a series of bitter communal clashes. Sixteen Arabs, 13 Jews and a British constable were included in the day’s toll. The heaviest fighting occurred in the Haifa-Acre region. The unofficial death count since the United Nations voted for partition November 29 rose to 1877. Arab demolition squads cut the East-West highway into the Beisan valley. By blowing up three bridges on the highway, the Arabs posed a threat to beleaguered Jewish settlements there. Those villages now have been cut off from the Jews in the Haifa area. Some Arab strategists look on the Beisan valley as an attack route to the Northern Palestine plain of Esdraclon (Armageddon), and the Jewish-held seacoast.

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