1047 Synagogue & Churches
3,200 Years of Documented Presence of the Jewish People in the Land of Israel, Genesis 15:18-21
Persian Traveler Nasir-L-Khusrau wrote:
‘From all the countries of the Greeks and from other lands, the Christians and the Jews come up to Jerusalem in great numbers in order to make their visitation of the church [of the Holy Sepulchre] and the synagogue that is there.’
In his day, as we learn from his record, Christians and Jews were again allowed to make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem. This confirms what we know from other sources that in the fifty years or so after death El Hakim, there was a considerable movement of Christians pilgrims from the west, while Jews from towns and villages in the rest of Palestine as well as from the Diaspora communities visited Jerusalem on one or other of the Pilgrim Festivals.
Source: Kollek, Teddy; Pearlman, Moshe. Pilgrims to the Holy Land: The story of Pilgrimage Through the Ages. Year 1970
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