1. Excerpt from Israel and the Arab World, Aharon Cohen, W.H. Allen & Co. Ltd., London, 1970
Indeed, in subsequent years, when Transjordanian Arabs visiting the country west of Jordan saw the changes that had taken place there due to Jewish immigration and settlement they often expressed regret (see Chapter Seven) over the failure of the Jews to come to Transjordan. Characteristic of such regret, even though its main object was to encourage Palestine Arab capitalists to further the economic development of Transjordan, was an article in Mira’at-Ash-Shark (Mirror of the East),* on May 1, 1935-
“What do Palestinian Arabs think, when they ask Transjordan Arabs not to sell their lands? Do they think Transjordan is inhabited by “superior beings” who can withstand the temptation? The people see how the Arabs of Palestine live in comfort, while they, residents of Transjordan, are subject to poverty and hunger. If you think Transjordanian Arabs will object to the Jews, you are mistaken. There is a limit to everything…The people of Transjordan will be the first to demand the abrogation of the law forbidding foreigners to buy land in Transjordan, for they cannot exist without foreign capital.”
- This newspaper, founded in 1919 by Boulus Shehadah, a Christian Arab, sometimes served as the organ of opposition circles.
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